Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 15 – A Strange Dance

Chapter 15 – A Strange Dance

My slumber ends when I hear others walking outside my room. I decided to get dressed today so I could spend more time with Mai. Today I'm dancing, so I should be free from any penetration; our job is to get them horny enough to pick one of the floor girls. I'm not the best dancer, and I'm often heavily pregnant, so it is rare for me to perform.

I quickly put on the skimpy underwear, just enough to cover my vulva and asshole. It's a dark red, a high-class color, is what we are told. The rest of the outfit is swirling green and white. With the panties on, I then try to fit into my skirt. Apparently, my ass and waist got bigger alongside my breasts. The costume has two parts. A short skirt that ends right at the knee and a top that just covers our breasts. It has minimal cleavage, or it is supposed to have minimal cleavage. Mine will likely have a lot of boob popping out due to my several size increases. I decided to just wear the underwear for now and see if they can increase the size or give me the material to do it. Maybe I will get lucky, and they'll already have the correct size.

When I get down to the bath, I keep going and turn behind the main lounge.

"Hi, both my chest and ass have grown, it seems. Do we have larger dancing costumes or material so I can make it bigger?" I ask the orphan manning the area.

"Sorry, miss. We just ordered more. A new girl took the last pair, and we used all the extra material to make it big enough for her. You'll need to squeeze in for tonight. The new material comes in tomorrow," she says, not daring to look at me.

"I see. There isn't a small one from which I can take material?" I ask in desperation. Hand messing with my hair.

"No, I just started this and didn't know how fast we went through the material. I'll do better now," she says as fast as she can.

"You're fine. I just may be giving more of a show than we normally give with how tight these will be." I sigh. "Ok, I'll come back tomorrow and get the material then. I should have one more dance before I'm too big to do it anymore."

"Ok, you don't need to come down. I'll send some up when I get it. Thanks for understanding."

"Thanks," I turn and head to the baths. There, I quickly take my underwear off and head in. I see Mai finishing up. Gambling that she would be ok doing my back, I walk over.

"Morning, Mai," I say, "Sorry I'm a little late. My dance costume is too small, so I went looking for material to increase the size."

"Oh, no worries, spread your wings. We'll get both sides of you at once. Did you get the material? You don't have much time before practice," Mai asks. I carefully spread my wings for her after she got behind me.

"No, new girl doing the costumes, I guess. Didn't order the new material early enough, so we ran out. I'm going to be showing off my tits as they spill out of my top. Even my ass and waist have grown, so they will be getting a wonderful show from me. If Mistress lets them into my room, I'm going to find a way to strangle her."

"They aren't allowed to for your show, so try to relax. You'll have fun. At most, a lap dance. "

"I know, just after she let the man have me, I worry she'll break all the rules if they throw a few coins. I can't exactly say no."

"I know, I'm not saying you're stupid for worrying, just that you shouldn't. We have all made it clear that something like that can't happen again. So you should be fine."

"Ok, thanks for the help." I can feel her messing with the base of my tail now. Signaling that she's finished.

"No problem. Dance well. I want a horny girl tonight. A submissive girl to Dom would be best. I want to pound someone tonight."

"I'll do my best." We head to the entrance, and I put on my panties. We part ways: I go to the lounge for practice, and Mai goes to lunch. The dancers eat after practice.

"Good, you're actually early for once," Ciara claps to get everyone's attention. "Ok, girls, we have a first-timer who is finally done with the practice. So, I'm going over the intro stuff. The better you do your job, the easier and happier the floor girls are. The happier they are, the happier clients are, and more clients, more money for dancing. We all work together. Tonight, you may be asked to do a private dance. There, you may touch them; they can touch you. That is as far as it goes. Your panties don't move. You don't touch their dick or vagina. They don't leave the chair. They can strip. Play with themselves or have a partner do it. Make sure you have the emergency mana if you don't have any yourself, which is all but one person here. Any questions? No, good. Alzi,  please get into your costume. We don't dance naked yet."

"Sorry, I was listening, and it is a little hard to put on."

"You're fine. I'm glad someone was listening. Just make it quick."

I pull the top over my head and force it on one tit at a time. Once on, I can see a clear outline of my nipples. Breathing will need to be optional today. With no way to fix the many problems up top, I start on the skirt. Getting to my thighs was easy; past them was slow work. I needed to squeeze my legs tight and then basically tuck my ass under the waist. My waist will be in pain tomorrow. The skirt, at least, will let me move tonight. I'll be flashing the crowd often. So, job well done for horny clients. This better not become the standard.

"Great, the rest know their partners. Alzi, you're with Ziti. We will start from the top and go until the V. We'll chunk through it. We only have time to retry one part, so work fast and correct."

Ziti is a half-giant. She's 8 feet tall, and her breasts are naturally my size—well, old size. She's shy except when on the stage. She loves dancing and has been trying to reach the star position. The problem is her height; it makes finding partners difficult, and the star is typically on the smaller side. I'm really the only girl who can dance with her correctly, but my pregnancies usually stop me from doing it.

She has never said if the half is dad or mom. Which likely means Dad. Meaning it's a sad story. Jealous women will get some giant semen, often finding one themselves and dealing with the pain, and gift it to the woman. It takes a lot of planning. You can't be anywhere near pregnant when you go to find one. Giants, for some reason, breed easily, so the woman will get pregnant. Bottle it up and give it to the woman you want to die. The kids are always big, so the woman will likely die in childbirth. Some small races just die from getting too big. Something my class has overcome with a passive. It's a dangerous and disgusting thing to do.

"Hi, I'll do my best,"

"You're a good dancer. Just focus, and we'll do well."

Ciara begins counting off, and then we start. We are in two lines beside the leading dancer. Most moves are to show our panties, boots, or ass off while the star does an actual dance. In the beginning, we walk into two rows; the middle opens up to show the star, and then we do some high kicks. And I get carried in a semi-circle over my partner's head to the left. Then, we do some simple kicks while the star does the introductory moves. Then, we form the V.

"Alzi, you're acting like you're lost," Ciara comes running up to me, "You're good at this. Besides, it is simple. Raise your chin, ignore me talking to your wonderful leaking tits." She pulls my top down and places something on my nipples. Probably to try and contain the milk. Then, she forces my top back on. "Shoulders back and do this correctly, or I'll have you dancing naked and passed around afterward. We go again. We can't have any more problems. Just run the entire show."

I'm out of breath, my bra restricting how deep I can breathe. Ciara didn't yell at me, so I guess I did better, or she is being nice. We have a short break to quickly eat and rest before our show.

I go put on makeup. I don't usually need it, everyone wants to fuck the slave, but I need to look like the other girls a little. My class does give me a passive for makeup, so it doesn't take long to put on. I just need to whiten my face and then add a bit of purple around my eyes. My lips are already red enough.

"Alright, girls, on in a minute, get to your places." Rounding us up. "Remember, chin up, shake your tits, shake your ass, and show your panties. Help the floor girls. Now go." We start heading out, and I force a big smile on my face and keep my chin up.

After the dance, I am once again catching my breath as I head down the stairs to walk through the crowded lounge. The lounge is sectioned off, making it easy for everyone to tell how much you paid to be here. Near the stage are people who paid for a private couch, each big enough for six people. All covered in deep purple cloth with a table full of wine, cheese, and bread. We skip past them and walk through the middle. Behind them are the standard tables, where the cheaper mead is being drunk. We keep going to the back, under the balcony seats where the high nobles hide. Apparently, they like to have meetings in those hidden alcoves. I'm not sure why they do them in a brothel, but we have four of them, and they are usually all booked. We do a circle around the back and wait to see if anyone wants a lap dance.

Ciara looked happy, so I guess we did well. Looking around the lounge, I recognize many of the regulars. Few like to torment me; others are actually a lot of fun to be with. One is even pregnant, looking about four months. Hope it goes well.

Some of the girls on the other side have been picked already. The cute new girls. My bloated belly is on display, but my tits and ass are inviting, so who knows if I get chosen. I'm not the best at the lap dance. I can't really turn around due to my tail. The light my hair and tail give off is pretty but not enough to make a boulder sexy. Now I have my new tattoo, which I kind of forgot about. Shit, I'm going to do one. There is no way a tattooed whore doesn't get picked.

A few girls and a couple are looking at our line. The man looks young, probably just turned eighteen. The woman is older, maybe thirty. They head right to me.

"We'll see you dance for us," the man says, looking at my tattoo.

"Ugh, what he means to say is we would love a private dance with you," she corrects, staring into my eyes. A small smile on her face.

"Why do we need to be nice to a whore. She is paid to do it. Besides, she's a slave."

"You can't order someone to do a good job. You can't make someone do their best. So you give them a reason to do their best. A simple way to do that is to be nice. Sorry, boys, that society calls men, get a little full of themselves. Remember, boy, you're too weak to truly be a noble. You won't be the father of an heir. Start being a bit more respectful of those stronger than you. Like the woman before us is." She takes a deep breath for some reason.

"You would still like the dance?" I ask, a little confused about what is happening.

"Yes," the lady says, a smile returning to her face.

"This way, please. Just a few rules. I will not touch your penis or vagina. You may not touch my clothing. My hair counts as my body; do not force it to do weird things. You may only leave the chairs to sit on each other's lap. You may make requests, but I don't have to follow them." I run down the rules and open the door for them. "Any questions? No, good. Sorry for the rant. Trust me, I want to let my girls free for you. But rules are rules. Please take your seat and enjoy my body, maybe each other's as well."

The man sits quickly, and the woman sways her ass taking her time to sit. She doesn't look terribly powerful. My tits make hers look small, but her ass is fantastic. I would love to have her bent over for an hour. Before sitting, she bends over and removes the straps from her heels, making me realize I may need two hours with her bent over.

With the couple sitting, I start to walk over, my body waving all over, tail flicking light onto the walls of the dim room. I focus my hands on my top, bending forwards a tad to have them spill over the top a bit. Push my finger under the top and slowly tease the top off. Once the bottom is past my nipples, the top rushes up and my breasts out. Each nipple is covered by a small patch.

The man has his pants off and underwear around his knees. His pecker is fully erect. Hand clasped around it, slowly working up and down. The woman just has her dress hiked up, showing her white panties.

I bend my knees a bit and let my hair fall forward. I start to move my left hand to flick all my hair over to the right when the man grabs it instead. I bend my knees more so I can level my head and see what is happening.

"Stop that! My hair is my body. Get it off your dick, or this dance is over." I ready my mana when the woman forced his hand open.

"Did you listen to a damn word I said, boy? Try that shit again, and I'll cut your dick off and sell you to a brothel for life." The woman screams.

"It's the hair of a slave, but fine; keep going," he said, annoyed that he had been yelled at.

"Sorry, please continue," the woman's says to me. She slips her breasts out of the dress and forces the man to start playing with them. I flick my hair as I had planned, then start to work the stickers off. Milk falls to the floor as I got the right one off some more with the left. I moved closer to the woman, the man's hand still playing with her right tit. His left on his dick.

I start to shimmy my skirt off. Trying to make it look like a dance move. I doubt they care at this point. My massive tits are shaking. My tattoo is hypnotizing. I slowly work my skirt down my thighs, struggling to figure out a sexy way to do it. Legs basically glued together, I force my skirt to my knees, letting it fall the rest.

The woman, to not be outdone, stands and lets her dress fall off. She quickly throws it to the corner and sits down. I follow her, working into a squat. My wings and height make me too heavy to sit on non-warrior thighs. The man switches his right hand to my tit. Squeezing and pinching, I start to get a little excited.

The man is really working my nipple. Milk is spraying everywhere.  The girl focuses on her clit; I take her breasts in my hands, a little erotic touch to get her to moan. The man, likely mad to be left out, drags one of the woman's hands to his penis. With both his hands-free, he pulls my body closer to him by my nipples.

"Why don't you sit on my lap? You can both have a leg," he suggests.

I ignore him and give the girl a kiss, tongue going deep in her mouth. He responds by slapping my breasts and thighs a few times. I wish it was just the girl. I would even suggest taking this to my room for a more complete night. His hands start exploring my body, getting closer to my panties. My make-out session with the woman gets more intense. I give her some erotic touch with my tongue as well, forcing her to moan between our kisses.

I struggle to get into with the stupid hand exploring. His stupid moans reminded me I could have gentle hands on my breasts instead of a claw. I'm about to ask if she is ok with him being put in cuck bondage and taking this to my room when it happens.

The man does it, brushing past my erect cock, and touching my panties. I give his hand a slap. Immediately, he comes back and pulls my panties to the side. I release my mana. The woman, on the verge of an orgasm, sends her own mana out, cutting the man's hand off. She finishes with a scream as his blood splashes onto my body.

"Miss, can you please stop your mana," the woman asks, panting from the orgasm.

"I'm not sure I should."

"Don't worry. I'm going to give you an offer, and then we'll leave. He won't be back here. I'll tell the Mistress what he did. Please, I think you'll like the gift. It wouldn't hurt to hear me out."

"Fine," standing up, I stop my mana. His blood is in my hair and running down the left side of my body. My breathing gets more challenging. I feel weird. I force myself to look at the woman and try to ignore the blood. The man should be screaming but is silent. Guess the woman has an air affinity.

"Let me clean everything up first," with a wave of her hand. My breathing calms down, feeling my body clear of foreign fluids, and his stump stops bleeding. "Ok, I have ten wives. All about my power. Elves, dwarfs, humans, harpies, even a giant. I can't make an official breeding pact with a slave, but I'll give you a card anyway. For two weeks, you get all ten of us for your bidding. I'll have some meetings, but I'll do my best to make sure you can play with me during them if you want. No real sex, just teasing. My family is the Chavarelli family. A war noble family. Contact me, and we'll all stop having sex till your two weeks come up, even if one of us just got pregnant and we need to wait nine months. If this is good, let me drag this little shit out that door. Otherwise, use your mana."

"Give me the card and get out," I say. She does just that, walks out the door naked, the man dragged with his underwear around his knees still.

I take a few moments to calm down. I pick up her and my clothing and walk to my room, just panties covering me. A few heads turn my way, but I just keep walking. The private rooms are along the back, so I don't have to walk far to get to the back stairs. I quickly go to my room.

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