Book 1: Chapter 4
Book 1: Chapter 4
This is so disgusting, you creep! What if mom came in and saw this.
Shes out getting drunk with her drunk friends. I shot back, only to be slapped upside the head by her palm.
Whatever is that cum so fucking gross, I sit on that pillow, Im going to gag! My big sister shot me absolutely disgusted eyes.
These were exactly the eyes I had wanted her to have when she got home, but at that point, I was supposed to be dead. Instead, Neotari showed up and interrupted my death, and now I had to face my sisters wrath.
Ill clean it, I growled. I said, Ill clean it!
Yeah, youll clean it with a steamer, and then youre going to stay in your room the whole night.
Youre only two years older than me, Maria. I shot her an annoyed look. You cant ground me.
You want to bet? My boyfriends coming over tonight, and if you show your ugly head Ill be telling mom and dad all about this stuff! As Maria said so, she picked up a magazine I had, staring at it in disgust. Why do you even have magazines? Havent you heard of the internet? Gah Its sticky!
Dont be so rough! I cried as she dropped it in a way that one of the pages ripped. Maybe I dont feel like seeing stuff on a computer screen as that enjoyable? Id rather have something I can hold in bed.
Ugh youre such a freak. Maria cursed. I refuse to believe were related.
Well, I dont care to have you as family either! I shot back while kneeling to pick up my magazines. And what are you talking about, Boyfriend mom would never approve of that, thats why you sneak him through your window every night.
Ronnie? No, this isnt Ronnie, this is Jack. Maria wrinkled her nose, Jacks really popular right now. If he takes me as his girlfriend Ill be too popular for you to even talk to me, even if you are my brother, so dont screw this up for me!
Hey sure, let me use the 2000 to buy some pizza and Ill stay in my room. I bargained.
What 2000?
The 2000 mom always gives you when she stays out late to buy dinner, but you always pocket.
Tsk you know about that?
Yeah, hand it over.
No I got to give it to Jack. Maria looked away, for the first time looking a little ashamed.
What the fuck?
Wa-watch your mouth. Mom said dont swear. Maria crossed her arms but finally sighed. Jack says he needs 10000 so he can fix his car. I have 8000 saved up, but I need the 2000. If I give him the money, he says hell drive me wherever I want. This is my best way for getting in with the cheerleader and the sports crowd at school.
Youre giving a guy money? Isnt that backwards? Maria hes just using you. I started, but Marias darkened expression told me I was not helping.
What do you know? Did you learn it from your magazines? Maria reached out as I grabbed the last magazine and tore it from my hand.
Wait, not that I reached out to grab it, but Maria kept it out of my reach.
Whats this one, your most perverted fantasies? She snorted.
She wasnt completely wrong. Most of my porn was pretty vanilla. While a kid like me could get pictures of naked women, sex books were a little hard to obtain. The one she grabbed was only one of two I had, and it was pretty hardcore. It was a BDSM one. Every page had women being tied up and tortured. I didnt even like most of the images except when I was in a dark mood.
Maria froze as she was looking through my dirtiest dirty magazine. A look of disgust grew on her face as she became flushed. I just wanted to run into my room and die, but absolutely couldnt leave that magazine exposed out here.
She turned the magazine towards me, pointing at a graphic image of a woman who was blindfolded. She had nipple clamps on her breasts and she was crying out while a guy in a mask was raping her pussy. Desperate to get out of this humiliating situation where my sister lectures me about sex, I scoured my mind for any solution. Why was Maria trying to make things difficult! I wished I had something on her! At the very least, I wished I knew what she was thinking.
Is this the kind of smut my brother finds attractive? Maria sneered. You want to rape some girl? Probably because youll never get any on your own!
Rape is so hot.
Huh? I looked up in surprise when I heard those words, convinced I misheard my sister.
I said, I should confiscate this book. Mom would cry if she saw it.
Its really turning me on, I think I can finger one out before Jack gets here.
My face twisted in confusion, the words coming out of her mouth were certainly the vitriol, but I was hearing other words too, words my sister definitely would never say.
Y-youre into rape? the words popped out of my mouth before I could stop myself.
What! No! You sick asshole! Maria chucked the magazine at me so hard that it caused everything else to fall out of my hands and hit the ground. Dont be getting any creepy fantasies!
Shit! Stupid Maria your brother almost found out your darkest secret! If Hakaru knew I secretly fantasized about being raped by a mysterious stranger, Id never live it down!
M-maria? I scratched my head for a second, only now making sense of what was going on.
H-hakaru Maria seemed to hesitate for a moment.
He has the magazine, that means he likes that stuff too. If I told Hakaru the truth would it be possible would he be willing to
What? No! I shouted out loud.
Maria shook her head, the rage and anger growing back on her face. C-c-clean this up! You freak!
She ran into her room and slammed the door. Meanwhile, I stood there with a dazed expression on my face. What just what just happened? Dirt Scribe the ability I just gained from Netori. Read a girls mind, learn her darkest secrets. Thats how it was described. I had used it without realizing it. I had used it on my sister, and it worked. I learned her darkest secret!
With that realization, my stomach grew kind of sore. My big sister was into rape. Was that even that surprising? All the men she got with were big, tough, bullies. She liked being controlled and told what to do. How else would assholes like Ron get down her pants? At the very least, I knew the ability worked now. However, my sister wasnt even of interest to me. The people whose dirt I wanted the most were Akiko and Dereks. I would make them both pay for cheating on me.
I finished cleaning up, including throwing the whole pillow into the wash and then went to my room. Picking up my phone, I took a deep breath and then dialed Akikos number.
H-hi! Akiko picked up the phone, but she sounded slightly out of breath.
Hey, Akiko! Whats your deepest, darkest secret? I asked.
Immediately, I started focusing. Was my method crude? Sure. But even if she wouldnt tell me what her deepest, darkest secret was, I could read minds! Thus, I only had to ask, and shed think it, and then Id know it. It was as simple as that. Well, it was supposed to be, but a moment later, the words sounded in my head.
Fuck! Only once! I was seriously hoping it was once per person! Why did this ability have to be so fucking stingy!
Ha-hakaru a-are you stop teasing me!
Ah, sorry
Wha- ye-yeah you called?
I stopped for a moment. In the past, I would have laughed and talked with Akiko happily. However, I was much more conscious now, and the way she was talking didnt seem right.
Akiko you seem to be out of breath. I said, my voice coming out slow.
Oh th-that I just came from a jo-jog!
It was more than out for breath. Her voice was completely unsteady and she kept making some strange noises. Suddenly, stop teasing me didnt sound like words that had been aimed at me.
You know, its our anniversary, I said.
Y-yeah Im sorry I couldnt go, but I was busy Akiko said, her voice still sounding like she was panting to me.
With jogging
Yes! Hah ye-yes I mean, yes I was jogging
S-seriously how fucking stupid did she think I was? No a better question would be, how fucking stupid had I been in the past. This wasnt the first time she had been weird on the phone. I always assumed she just got into a mood. Only now was I able to picture what was happening accurately. Derek was over there, right now, touching my girlfriend in ways I hadnt even yet.
Derek, I said the word.
Derek! Akiko let out a gasp.
His girlfriend he made today, shes very beautiful, no?
Ahd-dont say that youll make me jealous.
Of Derek?
N-no of you, silly, calling another girl beautiful to your girlfriend.
Oh of course. I faked a smile, even though it was over a phone and I didnt need to. Dereks a good looking guy too dont you agree?
Mmm hmm her words came off stiff.
They probably would get along well together, right?
I dont think so Akikos voice came off slightly sad sounding, while my fist tightened on the phone hard enough that I wouldnt be surprised if I heard cracking noises.
Oh? Will their relationship not last?
Not if I have anything to do with it ah what I mean is I think he really likes another girl.
Is that so? Who is it? I humored her, even though I could no longer keep the anger from my voice.
It-its a secret! Akiko declared.
Fortunately, she was so distracted that she didnt notice the anger in my voice. So, it all worked out.
Akiko I sighed one last time. I love you
Mmm me too Ahn th-there! Ahhhn Hah hah
N-n-nothing I just pulled my leg Charlie horse from the jog.
Oh well get better.
Bye! Click.
I put the phone down, my entire hand shaking. Sitting in my room in the relative darkness for several minutes, it was only then that I looked up and whispered a name.
You called? I jumped a little as the woman herself showed up as quickly as she had left before, floating next to me, her face uncomfortably close to my ear. You came?
Netori laughed. Im here to facilitate you in the game. Of course, Ill always come when you call. Why did you call me this time? Please dont say its to hit on me again. Being hit on by small-dicked losers is a total turnoff.
No not right now. I just have some questions on my points.
Points? Points, I can talk about! Oh and congratulations on earning another 30 points today!
Fuck! Those words were enough to push me over the boiling point, and I threw my phone at the wall, causing it to shatter.
Netori gave a wry smile. I take it you understand where your points came from? Good job holding out on the phone until they finished otherwise, itd have only been fifteen.
You can take those points and shove it up your ass! I snapped back.
Mm if you talked dirty like that to me earlier, I could have probably given you more points. Netoti giggled, but when I didnt respond, she continued. I usually dont make a big deal of it, but you can also exchange NTR points for my body. Im happy to give you another round of sex for a small fee of 1000 points.
I know youre poor but since youre so down today, especially after killing yourself, I can give you a handjob for the 30 points. Come on will a happy ending cheer you up?
I looked up at Netori, who had a teasing light in her eyes, and then I shook my head. No if you give me a handjob, itll be because I stole your heart and youre my sex slave.
Netori laughed melodically. Perfect Im glad you answered that way. Perhaps, I shouldnt give up on you yet anyway you had questions about points?
Yes level 2 how many points does it take to get to level 2.
Perfect question! Youre already very close! It only takes a lifetime maximum of 5000! With your 3230 you only need 1770 points to go.
What are the second tier abilities?
All of the tier 1 abilities are still available. However, there are also 5 new skills Each one is 5000 points. There is Orgasmo, Locked Promise, Rape Forgiveness, Confusion, and Cuck Break! Netori declares with a flourish.
And what do they mean?
Orgasmo gives you the ability to tell how close a woman is to achieving orgasm. A must have if you want to have a girl cumming back if you know what I mean? Locked Promise binds someone to a promise they make. They cannot break the promise. Theyll be compelled to follow it to the best of their ability. Rape forgiveness causes people you rape to quickly forget about it. Confusion makes the mind of a target muddled, sort of like making them drunk without the alcohol. Cuck Break is the most interesting. Essentially, a person cannot experience any sexual pleasure under a cuck break, but when its released, all of their lewdness comes out at once.
All good abilities I sighed.
Yeah but youre in no position to earn any. Each one takes more points than youve earned in your entire life.
Im going to need one or more of those abilities if Im going to get revenge on those bastards who betrayed me. Im going to need to start earning points fast. I dont care what it takes, Ill do anything. That means I need to bang a girl in a relationship.
Well, dont look at me Netori chuckled. Just because my beloved Derek is cheating on me, doesnt mean Ill come running to your arms.
No I sighed. I have another way. I have one more question about points.
Whats that? Netori asked.
How many do I get for raping my sister?
What do you think?
Total Responses: 1