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2 days ago

Ah! Aythryn City. Truly a mess of neon and trash all supporting the psychopaths that live here. Desire is the name of the game in such a bright place, as anyone on the streets can verify. Whether it be the gangs roaming the streets, the corpo rats in their tall towers, or the people just trying to get by; everyone wants something. 

Then enter me: a poor thief turned investigator just to make enough for end’s meet. Or at least, that’s how it was supposed to go down. Now though? Now I’m caught in several shit storms between stealing from one of the Big 7 to a weird interface telling me what to do. I just hope I can survive long enough to get out of this cursed city with enough Rayn to make a better life.
Outrun will be a long run, heh, with plenty of post-apocalyptic/cyberpunk world building sprinkled in.

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